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Cacao Magic Five Mushroom Cacao Blend

Let’s talk about chocolate and mushrooms. Sound random? Maybe. Worth knowing about? Absolutely! The base of chocolate is full of nutrients in its purest form of cacao and mushrooms have always been known as a healthy vegetable. When both of these superfoods are combined, you have a powerhouse of benefits for the body. Our MegaPlants “Five Mushroom Cacao Magic” is a nootropic and organic blend of functional mushrooms with organic cacao for optimal brain and body performance. What’s not to love about chocolate? It’s delicious and comforting, but can lack nutritional value with the addition of sugar or highly processed ingredients. A healthy chocolate alternative is cacao. You might be wondering, what is cacao? Enter the cacao bean, the root...

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Sea Moss Chocolate Bark Recipe. Imagine your favorite chocolate infused with nutrient-dense sea moss and topped with incredible superfoods like hemp seeds, goji berries, nuts, and pepitas. Well, this is it! Sea Moss Chocolate Bark is a delicious way to enjoy sea moss in the form of dessert! This content contains affiliate links, which help goodfoodbaddie.com to provide free recipes and resources. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support of the blog! How To Make Sea Moss Chocolate Bark If you didn’t know, I am quite obsessed with sea moss! It is such an incredibly nutritious source of vitamins, minerals, and does wonders to improve the health of our bodies. Here’s a list of...

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